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The Knitted Fabric


Meadow Vest, page 92 - Yarn quantity change. Yarn F is given as 25g skeins. This should be 100g skeins.


Colourwork Knits


  • Heart Leaf Jumper, p.69 - in the section Place Motif Chart, you are told to set the chart pattern using yarns D and E; E is a typo, it should be B.


Next row. Using yarn B, K1, P9 (14: 20: 25), work next 90 sts as row 2 of motif chart, using yarn D, P9 (14: 20: 25), K1.

These 2 rows set the sts - centre 90 sts in patt from chart for motif with edge sts still using yarns D and E.


  • Circle Flowers Sweater, p. 37 - the right-hand column of chart A should be two columns of squares, instead of one column of rectangles. This makes the chart 24sts as stated in the written instructions.


  • Pom Pom Shawl, p. 93 - instruction for row 51. It says Work rem rows of chart as placed on next 12 rows, it should be on next 16 rows.


  • Boyfriend Sweater, p. 46 - the yarn specification for Yarn B and C should read:


B Rainy Day 210

2            2            2            2 x50gm


C Toffee 203

3            3            3            3 x50gm


  • Butterfly Skirt, p. 54


On the sizing table, it reads 'Actual hip measurement of skirt' this should read 'Actual waist measurement of skirt' (Hip measurements are 84 (99, 120) cm).


On p.55, the Skirt Hem measurements on the diagram should read 24 (27.5, 31) in.



Seasonal Palette



page. 36

Yarn quantity change: G Bilberry 151 x2 balls



Moss stitch to be worked as;

Row 1 (RS): * KI, PI rep from * to end.

Row 2 (WS): *PI, K1 rep from * to end.



Next row (RS): K1, (PI, K1) twice, K to last 5sts, P1, (K1, P1) twice.

Next row (WS): P1, (KI, PI) twice, P to last 5sts, KI, (P1, KI) twice.

Last 2 rows set moss stitch border pattern.


Correction to Row numbers:

Row 198 should read 189

Row 199 should read 190



page. 32

Omit reference to varn G in Front section of pattern.



page. 36

Row 198 should read 189

Row 199 should read 190



page. 44

Once the hems have been worked, the pattern should read 'Join in yarn B'.



page. 48

Shape crown decrease rows state the first decrease row is Row 2, this should read Row 3 and all following numbers to follow



page. 52

Yarn quantity change: B Treacle 145 x 2 balls


Moss stitch to be worked as;

Row 1 (RS): *K1, PI rep from * to end.

Row 2 (WS): * P1, KI rep from * to end.

Border – optional garter stitch pattern

Border pattern should be worked as below

Next Row (RS): Knit

Next Row (WS): K5, P to last 5sts, K5

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